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As a 501c3 nonprofit organization, the Arts Council of Henderson County depends on donations from individuals, businesses, and other nonprofit organizations who provide generous support with yearly membership dues. Your assistance is important to us as we work to fulfill our mission as a community organization that promotes, advocates for, and nurtures the arts in Henderson County and western North Carolina. Thank you for your interest in supporting the arts!
Artist Membership.......................... $40 Artist Plus Membership .............. $60 (includes website link in Artist Directory) Student Membership....................$30 General Membership.................... $50 - $249 Patron/Sponsor ............................... $250 + Nonprofit Organization ................ $100 Business Friend of the Arts........ $150 SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: Arts Council of Henderson County P.O. Box 767 Hendersonville NC 28793
Or you may call our office at 828.693.8504 to make a membership donation via Square